The Pink Pyramids of Giza

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life from inside of the Ant Farm

So, everything's going OK here inside of the ant farm. This place is a bit like that, I could hole up here forever, and just have packages dropped in. Sometime I really need to get outside. Where is Spring?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wow, the Pink Pyramids Are Real!!

I happened along this news article by googling Pink Pyramids at Giza and I learned that Egypt lit the pyramids in pink to highlight breast cancer awareness. How cool is that? Here is the link with pic, of course!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jane Rubietta
Someone may have stolen your dream when it was young and fresh and you were innocent. Anger is natural. Grief is appropriate. Healing is mandatory. Restoration is possible.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Desert Thoughts

"The creed of the desert seemed inexpressible in words, and indeed in thought." T. E. Lawrence